Useful facts about living with hepatitis

How can you live with hepatitis?

It is not easy to live with a chronic infection day in and day out. Here, you will find some recommendations that can help you to cope with living with hepatitis in everyday life.


Enjoy a balanced diet


  • Fruit and vegetables1
  • Starchy foods1
  • Fish1
  • White meat1
  • Dairy products1
  • Coffee2
  • Light wholegrain food2

Avoid being overweight


  • Food that contains saturated fatty acids (e.g. fatty meat, fried foods, etc.)
  • Sugary food and beverages (e.g. soft drinks, fruit juices, desserts, etc.)
  • Raw or undercooked shellfish (e.g. clams and mussels, oysters, scallops)

Abstain from alcohol and/or tobacco consumption1,2

Both habits damage your liver, which is already damaged by the virus.3

Get some rest

The liver plays a crucial role in a healthy and functioning body. Allow yourself to rest and recuperate.1


Stay physically active

Engaging in moderate physical activity helps maintain fitness and lowers stress levels. You can likely continue participating in your preferred sport if you are an athlete. Speak to your doctor about this.1

Avoid self-medication

Certain medications can damage your liver and lead to complications. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.


Guard and protect your baby

As hepatitis C is transmitted via blood, and hepatitis B and D via blood and other bodily fluids, you should use condoms as a form of contraception.4,5
In case of pregnancy, it is crucial to inform your doctor about your hepatitis infection to ensure the monitoring of your liver health and viral load during the pregnancy period.5,6

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  1. Pharmazeutische Zeitung. Ernährung bei Leber und Gallenleiden.; last accessed: November 2023.
  2. Deutsche Leberhilfe e.V.; last accessed: November 2023.
  3. Hepatitis B Foundation. Healthy Liver Tips. Available on; last accessed: November 2023.
  4. Hepatitis B. Prevention tips.; last accessed: November 2023.
  5. Robert Koch Institut (RKI). RKI-Ratgeber Hepatitis C.; last accessed: November 2023.
  6. Hepatitis B Foundation. Treatment during pregnancy. Available on; last accessed: November 2023.